IFBCON: Day 2 and LuckFABB Afterparty

My second day at IFBCON (Independent Fashion Bloggers Conference) was even better than the first. Everyone was more comfortable, and not as nervous. I made friends that I got to hang out with all day and I got to listen in on same great break out sessions – still not sure if I am brave…

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This Week Via Instagram

Every weekend I like to post my favorite Instagram photos from the week. Come see all my photos on Instagram @Laura__Lily Arm Candy from the post Magic: Day 4 These cookies tasted just as delicious as they look. Really like the beading on this H&M dress. Brian left me a little present for my trip,…

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Magic: Day 1

Today was my first day attending Magic Trade Show in Las Vegas with the LA Fashion Magazine. Booth after booth of fashion brands, racks of clothing going every which way- I was in heaven. Too bad I couldn’t buy anything there, but I definitely know which brands I am going to scope out in stores!…

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