This Week Via Instagram

Let’s see, this week we had Halloween, which is always exciting. I took home the “Coolest Costume” award and tied for 1st place at our annual work Halloween costume contest. My post from LA Fashion Week was featured on the Lucky Community website. That was such an honor! Follow along @Laura__Lily! My flapper inspired shoes…

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Los Angeles Fashion Week Recap

I keep finding more and more photos from last week’s fashion shows so here you are! You may think I am tired from attending all these events in the past two weeks, but not a chance, I love every minute of it! Meeting people who love fashion just as much as I do is something…

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LA Fashion Week: Day 2

LA Fashion Week: Day 2 Fashion Blogger Laura Lily,

My last night of Los Angeles Fashion Week was spent at LA Fashion Weekend in Sunset Gower Studios, Hollywood. I felt like a movie star driving through Hollywood down Sunset Boulevard on our way to the event.

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