The Neon Skirt

Low and behold my new, neon H&M pleated skirt! Isn’t it fabulous? And it was only $24!  I bought it while shopping in Hollywood from this post here. What do you think? I am normally not a pink person but I love this neon version.  The Betsey Johnson earrings add the perfect colorful touch. A…

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Liberate Apparel

One of the best things about being a fashion blogger is finding brands that really move you.  Liberate Apparel is a great example of a brand whose ethics are incredible and whose necklace I am wearing in these photos. Two young ladies started this line because they love fashion and wanted to help others. All of…

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Hollywood Boulevard

Can you guess why I have a huge smile on my face in the photo above? It is because Zara is right in front of me.  Sunday I went to Hollywood to see a film for work. Red Lights- if you like paranormal thrillers you may like this one. It was my first time in…

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