Spring Home Maintenance: 4 Key Tips

Spring is the perfect opportunity to roll up your sleeves and tackle some essential home maintenance tasks! The days are getting longer and warmer and, as nature wakes up, it may just be the right moment to revitalize our living spaces and get our home ready for summer. Doing so not only creates a much better living space, but it also allows you to look after your home’s value. In this guide, we’ll look at a few spring projects for your home that are essential for long-term maintenance. Let’s dive in!

Inspect the Roof

Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements—and it does a great job at keeping you and your property secure and insulated. However, after the harsh winter months, it’s crucial to check for any damage. Strong winds and rain can cause brunches and leaves to accumulate, which can clog your gutters and increase the risk of water damage.

To prevent these issues, inspect your roof internally and externally, looking for clogged gutters, sagging areas, signs of water infiltration, and missing or damaged shingles. If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, consider hiring a professional roofer. After all, safety should always come first. Plus, there’s an added benefit of hiring a professional: they can also inspect the seals around chimneys and vents, identify  the signs of water damage, and carry out a more in-depth inspection of your roof.

Look After Your Garden

Spring is the best time to prepare your garden for the summer months and ensure a blooming season. Here are some tasks you might consider:

  • Trim Trees and Shrubs: Prune dead branches and clear broken twigs, leaves, and branches. This simple task can do wonders to encourage healthy growth!
  • Test the Soil: A soil test is a great way to check the health of your garden or lawn. Plus, this test can reveal what nutrients are lacking, guiding your choices in terms of species to plants and fertilizers to choose. 
  • Pest Control: Nature truly comes to life during spring, so it is important to carry out adequate pest control. Use compounds like Bifen L/P Granules to manage pests and protect your plants, and make sure to consult a local expert to understand suitable risks and solutions.
  • Plant New Additions: Consider adding colorful flowers or productive herbs like basil or mint—doing so now can help you create a blooming garden by the time summer comes around! 

Clean and Freshen Interiors

A thorough spring cleaning can refresh your home and revitalize its interiors. Plus, did you know that deep-cleaning your home at least once a year has many health benefits? It can help with stress management, decluttering, and creating a healthier home for all! Here are a few tasks that should be on your to-do list: 

  • Wash windows to maximize natural light. 
  • Deep clean carpets or hardwood floors. 
  • Spot-clean neglected spots, such as under furniture and in corners where dust tends to build up. 
  • Consider decluttering your home and garage for a more relaxing home. 
  • Address problems like mold and mildew growth to create a healthier living space.
  • Refresh your decor with clean throws, pillows, and upholstery. 

Maintain HVAC Systems

Your HVAC system plays a key role in keeping your home comfortable, so make sure to keep it in tip top shape! As the weather warms up and you get the chance of keeping your windows open, clean or replace your HVAC filters and consider scheduling a professional inspection. Doing this can help you keep your home healthier and more comfortable—and it can even lower your energy bills!

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