Summer Fleeting

Express maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography
Express maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography

Express blue maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography
Express maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography
Express blue maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography
Express blue maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography     Express maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography
Express blue maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography "<br

Express maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography
Express blue maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography
Express maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography
Express maxi dress, summer maxi dresses, Laura Lily, Los Angeles Fashion Blogger, Tony Oberstar Photography

August is almost here!? Where did the summer go? Time has just been going by too quickly these days. While I am working to get everything done, I need to remind myself to look up once in a while and enjoy the present.  There are still so many places I want to go before the weather gets cold. Luckily, in Los Angeles that won’t be until at least October.  It is only a matter of time before September is here and fall starts taking over our wardrobes. Until then, I’m going to enjoy warm days on the beach and taking shade under the pier splashing in the ocean waves.

:: Express Maxi Dress (similar):: Zero UV Sunglasses ::

Photos by: Tony Oberstar 

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and Bloglovin’ for more outfit inspiration.


    1. Thanks Alyssa! I’ve had this dress forever and love wearing it during the summer because it’s so bright!

    1. Thank you Kelly!
      I bought it years ago and wear it every summer. It’s just the perfect maxi dress.

  1. She was held with such gentle hands, their hearts so full of love for her. The light softens and becomes more beautiful, as the afternoon wears on and for a fleeting moment it is perfect.

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