Eighty Smith Creative Wine Tags Giveaway

Eighty Smith Creative Wine Tag Giveaway, hand made wine tags, best housewarming gift ideas, Alexis 80 Smith, Laura Lily Home, Etsy hand stamped jewelry,

Have you ever been to a party, or a nice dinner, sat your wine glass down and turn around moments later only to wonder which glass is yours? Then, out of fear of catching an illness, or worse-cooties, you decide to abandon the unknown glasses for a completely new one? But in the process, you’ve wasted perfectly good wine and possibly your spot on the couch next to a cutie.

Well, I have a fix for that…wine glass tags!! I’ve wanted these for ages and could never find ones I liked enough to spend money on. You may remember my post about Lexi’s wedding in Minnesota a few summers ago.

Since our high school days together, Lexi has always been incredibly creative.  So it was no surprise to hear that she is now a proud owner of an Etsy shop called Eighty Smith Creative. She creates made-to-order hand stamped jewelry and home accessories including: necklaces, pet name tags, garden markers and more. My eyes were immediately drawn to most perfect wine tags I could ask for! Classic and chic bronze hand-stamped tags. I immediately ordered 5 sets for gifts for everyone on my holiday shopping list and a set for myself.

Lexi has even been kind enough one set of 4 wine tags to a lucky Laura Lily reader! Enter below for your chance to win your own hand-made set of these fabulous wine tags! She is also offering 10% off your purchase with code: LAURALILY on Etsy. This code is good through my birthday, May 31st. 🙂

Also, check out her website www.80smithcreative.com to shop other items from her collection, check out her vegan recipes and home DIY projects.

Good luck everyone!

xoxo, Laura

Eighty Smith Creative Wine Tag Giveaway, hand made wine tags, best housewarming gift ideas, Alexis 80 Smith, Laura Lily Home, Etsy hand stamped jewelry,

Eighty Smith Creative Wine Tag Giveaway, hand made wine tags, best housewarming gift ideas, Alexis 80 Smith, Laura Lily Home, Etsy hand stamped jewelry,

Eighty Smith Creative Wine Tag Giveaway, hand made wine tags, best housewarming gift ideas, Alexis 80 Smith, Laura Lily Home, Etsy hand stamped jewelry,

Eighty Smith Creative Wine Tag Giveaway, hand made wine tags, best housewarming gift ideas, Alexis 80 Smith, Laura Lily Home,Etsy hand stamped jewelry,

Eighty Smith Creative Wine Tag Giveaway, hand made wine tags, best housewarming gift ideas, Alexis 80 Smith, Laura Lily Home, Etsy hand stamped jewelry,

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  1. Pingback: The Sunday Scoop 4/27 wishes you happy Easter and happy winnings with these giveaways

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