8 Effective Ways To Boost Home Security

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A home in the US is burgled every 15 seconds, a statistic provided by the FBI, a trusted source for crime data. This frequency is more than the previous figures of 2 per minute, indicating that homeowners are now more vulnerable than ever in terms of protecting their home and their possessions. While not every person in the country will experience this type of crime and serious violation of their life, for those who do, it can be an extremely upsetting and traumatizing experience.

But is there anything you can do to help protect yourself against or reduce the risk of falling victim to one of homeowners’ biggest concerns? Yes and no. Even the best deterrents in the world might not be enough to dissuade some burglars; however, the more security features you have in the place, the more protection you have and the more you can put your mind at ease.

Let’s take a look at some of the best ways you can boost security in your home.

Upgrade Windows and Doors

Ineffective windows and doors are essentially invitations for would-be burglars to walk right into your home and help themselves. Whether it’s damaged doors, broken locks, cracked windows, faulty frames, etc, the more imperfections your windows and doors have, the more vulnerable they are and the less protection they offer.

Your main entrance doors, such as front and back doors or even patio doors, need to be lockable and secure in their frames to help you add protection. The windows also need to be secure and offer protection against people trying to access them.  

If your windows and doors don’t currently offer this, then looking for an expert RVA patio door replacement company will help you discover the perfect upgrades to offer your home added security if you have patio doors, while upgrading windows and other external doors will further reinforce the security to protect your home and your family.


Adding additional security features to your windows and doors can be a massive benefit and make it harder for people to illegally gain entry to your property. From using security bars and grilles on windows or deadbolts on doors, chains, or even biometrics, these security features can boost security and make your home harder to access for those without permission to gain entry.

You need to add additional locks to all windows and doors and ensure you don’t leave keys in locks or in places they can be accessed, e.g., hanging by front doors in plain view.

Security Cameras and Video Feeds

Nowadays, video cameras have become an essential part of most people’s homes. Typically video doorbells are the most common use of this technology in home environments, and more than 28 million Americans protect their homes this way. 

If you have internet connectivity in your home, then hooking up a video camera or live security camera can give you instant real-time updates as to what is happening in your home. You can get alerts for any activity while you’re away, monitor comings and goings, and record events as they happen. If you do experience a break-in, this can alert you immediately, meaning you can call 911 to get the police at your home instantly and have video evidence of the perpetrator for any criminal proceedings that might take place. 

But it’s not just front doors and exit points where you can install a security camera. You are able to have cameras around your home, in different rooms, or in frequent spots to cover your bases and give you more viewpoints to check and monitor to identify anything suspicious happening in your absence.

Alarm Systems

An alarm system has long been thought of as the cornerstone of home security. Essentially, this is a system that allows you to set sensors and devices that protect your home from intruders. These sensors, when turned on via a code or timer, will engage and alert you if the sensor is disturbed, i.e., if a door is opened after you set the alarm. The alerts are sent to a control panel, and an alarm will sound after a short waiting period. This waiting period enables people to come home and turn the alarm off using their code or security options, but if this isn’t entered, then the alarm will sound. 

You can configure alarm systems to meet your needs, and you can have several options, including video feeds that work in conjunction with the sensors to alert you to the presence of unwanted visitors in your home.


We’re not saying you need to get a dog or security; a dog should be well-loved and wanted by family members. However, if you do have a dog, alerting people to their presence can be a simple distraction technique and deterrent.

A survey conducted with convicted burglars found one in two would think twice before entering a property with a dog. In lieu of a dog, you can randomly play barking sounds on a loop when you’re out and put up signage alluding to the fact there is a pet in your home.

Home Automation

Home automation can be a valuable tool in the fight against burglary as it can mimic the presence of a property being occupied when it isn’t. While this can be costly initially to set up, it can be a great option for more than just security reasons. You can automate lights turning on and off, the TV coming on, curtains and blinds opening and closing, adjust temperature, monitor video feeds, and so much more. All of these small actions can help you to replicate activity within an empty building, which can put off many thieves, especially those who won’t enter occupied premises. Additionally, home automation can enhance convenience and energy efficiency in your home.  

Security Lighting

Thieves love to work incognito, which means in darkness or undercover, in relation to home burglaries. Lighting up your home by adding security lighting, especially sensor lighting, can shine a literal spotlight on all people approaching your house to alert you or others to the presence of anyone accosting your home.

From external floodlights to motion sensor lights on your porch or above your backdoor, for example, to hanging solar lights around your property, inground lighting, or anything that can stop people from using darkness to consider their illegal activities.

Blank Canvas

Turning your home into a blank canvas means moving anything valuable or enticing from display. Don’t leave anything that could be a target in the line of sight, and ensure that you use your curtains and blinds wisely as they help block the view of someone peering through the windows.

If they do not know if it is worth breaking in or what they might get once inside, it can put them off and make them look for a different target. Security films on windows and doors can help you block people from seeing inside your home. Closing curtains, adding blinds to windows, and even having storage or shelving hidden from view for your valuables can be effective ways to create a blank canvas that will put people off wanting to break into your home.

There are many ways to improve your home security. Some are cost-effective and even free to implement, while others will incur set-up fees and costs. New windows and doors, for example, are significant investments, as is an alarm system, but video doorbells are more cost-effective to purchase and can be just as effective. But it’s essential to make home security a feature of your property for added safety and peace of mind.

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