My Biggest Flaw & How I Am Working On It

Packing List for Cabo San Lucas by Travel Blogger Laura Lily, ASbyDF dress,

My Biggest Flaw & How I Am Working On It featured by popular Los Angeles life and style blogger Laura Lily, ASbyDF dress,
My Biggest Flaw & How I Am Working On It featured by popular Los Angeles life and style blogger Laura Lily, ASbyDF dress,
My Biggest Flaw & How I Am Working On It featured by popular Los Angeles life and style blogger Laura Lily, ASbyDF dress,
My Biggest Flaw & How I Am Working On It featured by popular Los Angeles life and style blogger Laura Lily, ASbyDF dress,
My Biggest Flaw & How I Am Working On It featured by popular Los Angeles life and style blogger Laura Lily, ASbyDF dress,
My Biggest Flaw & How I Am Working On It featured by popular Los Angeles life and style blogger Laura Lily, ASbyDF dress,
My Biggest Flaw & How I Am Working On It featured by popular Los Angeles life and style blogger Laura Lily, ASbyDF dress,

My Biggest Flaw & How I Am Working On It

I wish I could tell you that my life is as picture perfect as some may think or as Instagram makes it appear to be. But I’d be lying if I told you that. I have imperfections just like anyone else. Good days and bad days. Ups and Downs. But the biggest flaw that seems to affect me day in and day out, and that I’ve been working so hard to get rid of, is constantly comparing myself to others. Other women, other creatives, other influencers. I look at their work, their bodies, their work ethic and think to myself, why am I not like that? Why don’t I work harder and longer hours in a day? Why can’t I get my stomach to stay flat? Why did I not get selected for the same campaign she did?

I’ve always been one to compare myself to others. Even as a kid, I wondered why we had a smaller house than our neighbors or why I didn’t get selected for the dance team. To this day, I have a bad habit of looking at what others have instead of appreciating what is right in front of me.

The key to overcoming comparison, I’ve learned, is to put your blinders on and focus on your own lane.  The days when I don’t waste time comparing myself to others are the days I am the happiest and most productive. Funny how that works isn’t it? We as a culture get so consumed with what other people are doing, where they are going, and what they have. Ever find yourself sucked into the endless pit of Instagram? Yeah, me too. Only to feel depleted that I’m not out there living the “perfect Instagram life.” You’ve seen my behind the scenes on my Instagram. You know it’s not everything it’s cracked up to be. Often times when I’m posting pretty photos, I’m actually sitting in my pajamas at 11 in the morning still needing a hairbrush and a cup of coffee.

Lately, I’ve created a habit and that is each time I catch myself comparing, I look at my own life and remind myself that I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Sure, I might upgrade it in a few ways (ahem, travel the world without having to work), but overall I have a lot to be grateful for and THAT is something worth focusing on.

So next time you find yourself comparing your life to someone else’s, catch yourself and list a few things you are grateful for. These can be people, experiences, or things. For example, I am grateful that my family and friends are healthy, I have a beautiful home that I get to decorate how I please (home decor posts here), and my efforts at the gym are paying off (workout routine post here.)

If you have any tips on how to work on not comparing yourself to others I would love for you to share in the comments below! As always, thank you for stopping by and remember that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.




ASbyDF Dress // Forever21 Sunglasses // Lulu’s Sandals // Dynamic Asia Hat

Loving this biggest flaw feature? Take a look here for more of my style favorites!

Photos by Azusa Takano

One Comment

  1. I’m so happy to see this post. “Comparison is the thief of joy”, they say, and I couldn’t agree more. You’re fabulous in your own right. People are probably comparing themselves to you. Don’t sell yourself short. Love you!

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